Monday, June 8, 2020

Conflict Resolution and Anger Management - 275 Words

Differences between Conflict Resolution and Anger Management (Research Paper Sample) Content: Differences between Conflict Resolution and Anger ManagementStudentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameUniversity AffiliationDifferences between Conflict Resolution and Anger ManagementAnger management is the training for temper control and involves the skill of keeping calm. This anger may be directed to individuals or belongings. It does not need an argument between one or more persons. On the contrary, conflict management is the act of being capable to recognize and solve conflicts reasonably (Moles, 2013). Conflict resolution associates to disputes between one or more individuals. Conflict resolution also requires that both parties take part in settling the dispute. The dispute can or cannot engage anger.Conflict Management is offered by trained peacekeepers that are always lawyers majoring in conflict resolution or mediation. Many countries have free mediation services provided by their Attorney of Office of District Attorney (Caforio, 2014).In contrast, Anger Management is much di fferent than Conflict Management. It is a group or an individual mandated to install skill improvement in anger management, self-confident emotional and communication empathy or intelligence, and stress management (Moles, 2013).In numerous conflicts, neither complainers are right or wrong; in its place, diverse views crash to form cause difference. Conflict is natural and it is your duty to act on its circumstances professionally and faster. Conflict may be very constructive if you settle it transparently. You can strengthen your work unit through solving challenges. Conflicting sentiments offer you an opportunity to know yourself, discover the views of others, and build productive relations. Open conversation is the basis of prosperous conflict management (Moles, 2013). Managing disagreement suitably can improve conflict resolution.On the other hand, when you come across an angry person, you can employ the tools of efficient listening and understanding to help neutralize the ange r. However, when anger is directed toward you, it is much more challenging to act conclusively as your emotions are often involved (Caforio, 2014).ConclusionEven though anger and conflict management have little differences, the suitable process should be duly followed to solve it ami...

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